Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's better than a cupcake cookie???

I am absolutely in love with these cupcake cookies. It's not often that I "HAVE" to eat one of the cookies while I am making them BUT... these cookies just scream at you to take a very large bite out of them. The white frosting is fluffy and melts in your mouth. My husband said that the cookie actually tastes like you are eating a cupcake! Order a couple dozen as a gift or order them for a party favor (Monogramming available)! Either way, they won't dissappoint!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cookie Giveaway! Want some???

I absolutely LOVE how, over time, we are all connected in life in small, seemingly insignificant ways... and then at some point, those connections come together for good things!

Today, that good thing is the Eventful Cookies giveaway, sponsored by the talented Jen Byard on her blog My Three Sons Designs. If you are like everyone else on the planet who shares a love for sweets and free stuff, click on this link (Giveaway) and enter to win six of these adorable owls and six delicious pumpkins! Be sure to check out her shop as well for some super cute creations! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Only for you Mickey, only for you...

When I was a little girl, I had a Mickey mouse doll that I carried around CONSTANTLY. He was my "Lovey" as us mothers of toddlers so affectionately dub these overused, underwashed, chew toys. I remember my "Mickey's" black nose had been chewed to a dull beige. So, naturally, when I received a call asking if I could do Mickey cookies, my answer was YES! (Well, my answer is always yes... the details of "how" get sorted out later). Well, let's just say that without a Mickey Mouse cookie cutter, these little numbers were quite time consuming! Number one, because the cookie dough had to be fashioned into shape by two different circle cutters, and numero dos, because I had to cut out the beige faces by hand. (I won't even go into detail about how I originally made about three pounds of marshmallow fondant that was 10 shades too "pink", resulting in a cookie that looked like Mickey and Minnie had third degree sunburns!). When all was said and done, I loved doing them and really am excited about how they turned out!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Loving every minute...

I can truly say I love EVERY MINUTE of decorating my cookies. Some may find it a little odd, but I have a little "ritual". At some point while I am rolling out cookie dough to be cut, I HAVE to put my hand on the cold dough and close my eyes and just feel it under my palm. (I try and do it when I'm not being watched so that I'm not dubbed as the crazy lady). There is something about the feeling of firm, lightly flour dusted, chilled dough that makes me smile. I tell my husband, Joe, that I know that I'm doing "what I'm meant to be doing" because at some uneventful point when I'm working on cookies, I realize that I am smiling for no good reason. Owning a business has always been a life goal of mine and to think that THIS is it, this really fun and perfectly fitting venture, leaves me in humble awe of how God orchestrates our lives in line with our hearts desires when we trust Him. So join me, if you wish, on this journey because I have a feeling that it's going to be a great story when all is said and done.