Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Only for you Mickey, only for you...

When I was a little girl, I had a Mickey mouse doll that I carried around CONSTANTLY. He was my "Lovey" as us mothers of toddlers so affectionately dub these overused, underwashed, chew toys. I remember my "Mickey's" black nose had been chewed to a dull beige. So, naturally, when I received a call asking if I could do Mickey cookies, my answer was YES! (Well, my answer is always yes... the details of "how" get sorted out later). Well, let's just say that without a Mickey Mouse cookie cutter, these little numbers were quite time consuming! Number one, because the cookie dough had to be fashioned into shape by two different circle cutters, and numero dos, because I had to cut out the beige faces by hand. (I won't even go into detail about how I originally made about three pounds of marshmallow fondant that was 10 shades too "pink", resulting in a cookie that looked like Mickey and Minnie had third degree sunburns!). When all was said and done, I loved doing them and really am excited about how they turned out!

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