Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Loving every minute...

I can truly say I love EVERY MINUTE of decorating my cookies. Some may find it a little odd, but I have a little "ritual". At some point while I am rolling out cookie dough to be cut, I HAVE to put my hand on the cold dough and close my eyes and just feel it under my palm. (I try and do it when I'm not being watched so that I'm not dubbed as the crazy lady). There is something about the feeling of firm, lightly flour dusted, chilled dough that makes me smile. I tell my husband, Joe, that I know that I'm doing "what I'm meant to be doing" because at some uneventful point when I'm working on cookies, I realize that I am smiling for no good reason. Owning a business has always been a life goal of mine and to think that THIS is it, this really fun and perfectly fitting venture, leaves me in humble awe of how God orchestrates our lives in line with our hearts desires when we trust Him. So join me, if you wish, on this journey because I have a feeling that it's going to be a great story when all is said and done.

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